Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Birthday Bash!

This month I turned 32. I thought to myself what am I going to do? I can get some friends together and go out to eat or just stay in and watch a movie...not very exciting huh? Then I thought about how some kids at H2O never celebrate their birthdays because they dont know when it is.  I thought why not throw a party for the planning began. I bought gifts and candy, planned games,  made enough cakes for all the kids to blow out the candles together and my favorite.... face painting :) Friends joined together helping out one way or another....I was super blessed to have such a great birthday and to be able to bless them in a small way. Thank you to everyone who contributed and donated to help make this happen. The work here may not seem like a lot and at times we have more time on our hands than we would like but Im starting to see more and more that the consistent contributions in someones life everyday can make a big difference. It is not about the quantity(how much I do) but about the quality(do it with all my heart unto the glory of God) When we first came here it took a long time for the kids to warm up to us. Took them 3 months to address us and say our names but now as soon as they see us they say hello with smiles...something I think we taught them :) Little by little we are showing them love and consistency...this is Gods love. It's something we can depend on and rely on. Gods love will never let us down and will endure forever. As I have freely been given so shall I freely give. May my hands and heart be open to Gods leading in what he wants to do for the rest of our time here.