Prayer Requests


That God would provide healing in their hearts for the tramautizing experiences that they have already encountered at such a young age
That they would embrace and gain more knowledge of Gods love for them
Provision for all their needs
May they always be protected and cared for.
That they would continue to holdfast to faith and hope.
That they would continue to learn to see Gods goodness in their lives. (in the good times and hard times)
These kids enjoy loving Jesus. He is their joy and strength. May they continue to trust God for their future. Their lives are in His hands.

A Sick Child A-Vim: 

A-Vim has Multiple Polypsis Coli. She recently had another operation. She will have to go for surgery again later. 
A Boy Called Yahoo:

 Three and a half years ago Esther found Yahoo begging in the streets.  Yahoo`s father had died some years before and then his mother had found a new man and had ran off and abandoned Yahoo.  We never found out Yahoo`s family name or his age so we just call him Yahoo. Yahoo's eye over time was removed and replaced with a glass eye. Then his other eye started to give him trouble and now his ears.

Please pray for healing, grace and strength for these two orphans.

Orphanage Directors and Staff:
Please pray for strength to do the work of the Lord as well as train up the kids in love and truth
Gods vision and will to be sought out, unfolded and revealed continually
 Provision to abound as there are many big and small needs daily.
Gods peace be with them always
Direction and divine leading in minstry and in the childrens lives
That we would be united with one mind and heart
For more volunteers
Wisdom in decisions that have to be made for the orphanage and the ministry daily

Joy and I:
That we would be a blessing to those here.
That we would be able to lift up some of the work load here as they have limited people and those that are here do a lot.
That we would be able to build relationships with the people in this small town
That we would be able to learn the language quickly (they speak 3; Karen, Burmese and Thai)
Grace and strength for the difficulties that we face being in a different culture
That we would show the love of God in all that we do
That God would get the glory in all of our lives

Truck (be used to take the kids to school, doctors etc..)