Saturday, November 26, 2011

First Thanksgiving at H2O...and possibly Umphang

This woman is a great blessing to H2O!
Making Sweeeet Potaters(first time making syrup)

Paw Paw crushing the chillies (I think)... the cook here at H2O

Each a  Pocahontas :)
The cutest little Pilgrim!
Round and round you go!

Game: Pin the feather on the Turkey

Game:  Mayflower trying to find the land

Little hands write what they are thankful for...most said food.

The Pastor/Director Gum San talks highly and respectfully about America. He said because of your country we are able to know God. He has read a little bit of our history and knows about our Thanksgiving holiday. The couple asked us if we would have a Thanksgiving here and cook American food. Joy and I thought how on earth are we going to do that?? There are no turkeys, no ovens, and everything in the supermarket we can barely read not to mention we really don’t know everything that is available here yet. This place is VERY remote and 4 hours up the mountain, only one way up and one way down. We thought it was a far-fetched idea but we said yes and would try our best. The more we met other farang’s in town the more we would gather information on "how to do with what you have" as well as "how to get what you think you can’t". We were on a mission but things started coming together. The other farang’s admitted they have been here for years and have never celebrated Thanksgiving or it just wasn’t part of their culture (England and New Zealand). So we invited all like a real Thanksgiving and had everyone bring something. Joy and I came up with 2 American dishes we can cook here...Macaroni and Cheese and Sweet Potatoes, thanks to our friend who purchased ingredients in the next town (4 hours away).Steamed Burmese style Chicken was the main dish and it was delicious! The pictures can tell you the rest of the story.... cooking allllll day, games, laughs and a cake to end the evening. We gave thanks to God with prayer and songs, shared the Thanksgiving story with the kids and enjoyed the sweet fellowship of friends and our new H2O family. It was a lovely Thanksgiving celebration in Umphang!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! You guys had an even more American Thanksgiving than we did here in America! Haha! Can't wait to dress up little Lily-Grace as Pochahantas one day and let Paul be Squanto, hehe :)

    The smiles of the kids are such a blessing! You guys are very inspirational! You'll be in my prayers! And hi to Joy!

    I love you!!!

    Aja, Paul and Lily-Grace
